Course curriculum

    1. 30 Day Challenge Kickoff Call

    2. Day 1: Gratitude

    3. Day 2: Affirmations

    4. Day 3: Unveiling Your True Self

    5. Day 4: The Comparison Trap

    6. Day 5: Stop Striving for Perfection

    7. Day 6: Leave the Superwoman persona behind

    8. Day 7: Acts of Kindness

    9. Day 8 : Mindful Eating

    10. Day 9: Hydration Challenge

    11. Day 10: Move Your Body

    12. Day 11: Envision Your Future

    13. Day 12: Create The Change You Desire

    14. Day 13: Confront Your Fears

    15. Day 14: Embrace the Unknown

    16. Day 15: Recognize Your Strengths

    17. Day 16: Transform Negativity into Miracles

    18. Day 17: Build a Positive Support System

    19. Day 18: Break Free from People Pleasing Behaviors

    20. Day 19: Cultivating Intuition and Trusting Your Inner Guidance

    21. Day 20: Let Go of the Past and Embrace the Future

    22. Day 21: Take a Digital Detox

    23. Day 22: Unlock Personal Growth

    24. Day 23: Embrace the Power of Forgiveness

    25. Day 24: The art of Gratitude

    26. Day 25: Cultivating Intentions

    27. Day 26: Crafting Your Mission Statement

    28. Day 27: Embrace Accountability

    29. Day 28: Embrace Setbacks as Opportunities for Growth

    30. Day 29: Harnessing the Power of Visualization for Success

    31. Day 30: Celebrating Our Journey: Embracing Self-Love and Gratitude 🌺

About this course

  • $37.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today